Booking a baptism is simple
Phone the church office (9am-12 noon Mon-Thu) on 01482 863542
- Have the following information ready:
The name and date of birth of the person to be baptised
Assuming that person is a child, the names and address(es) of the child's parents, otherwise their own address
Our Administrator will provisionally book a Sunday morning service for the baptism and pass your details to the clergy team
One of the clergy will then make contact and arrange a visit to talk about the details of the service, godparents etc. and about what being baptised means.
There's no fee for baptism - it's something we celebrate with you.
Please note that if you are already planning godparents, they must already be baptised. We can discuss baptism with anyone who would like to do this for themselves.
Why is Baptism Important?
Baptism marks the beginning of a journey with God which continues for the rest of our lives. It’s the first step in response to God's love for us.
It is a joyful moment: we rejoice in what God has done for us in Jesus Christ. We make serious promises and declare our faith. The wider community - the local church and friends - welcome the new Christian. They promise support and prayer for the future.
All this is an opportunity to remember our own baptism and think about how we’re doing on that journey, which is now to be shared with this new member of the Church.
The service paints a set of pictures of what happens on the Christian way:
the sign of the cross, the badge of Christian faith, which reminds us of Jesus’ death for us.
our 'drowning' in the water of baptism. We believe we die to old ways of life that take us away from God’s light and life and love and are raised to new life. We are united to Christ’s death and his rising from the dead
water as a sign of the new life Jesus gives us, as we are born again by water and the Spirit. This reminds us of Jesus' own baptism.
a lighted candle, a picture of the light of Christ conquering the darkness of evil. Everyone who is baptized walks in that light for the rest of their lives.