Giving at St Nick's
St Nick's only continues in its life and ministry due to the generosity of people, and the good management of our assets.
Our income mainly comes from 3 sources:
Giving - from church members and some members of the wider community.
Hall lettings. Used widely by groups from our community and beyond.
Income from invested legacies, which we can't rely on in the current economic conditions.
We also generate some additional income from events, concerts and fund-raising.
Please consider supporting St Nick's through regular giving - either through the Parish Giving Scheme, or by using the regular weekly giving envelopes.
You can make single donations by credit or debit card, Apple or Google Pay or set up regular gifts by Direct Debit.
The service is provided by the Parish Giving Scheme, which is supported centrally by the Church of England. All donations and tax recovered come through to St Nicholas' monthly. A small commission is charged on one-off gifts to cover administration.
Giving Regularly
To give regularly, it's best to set up a regular gift using Direct Debit via the Parish Giving Scheme. You can do this easily by clicking here
If you pay income tax, you can increase the value of your gifts by 25% by ticking the box to agree to giving by Gift Aid.
The Parish Giving Scheme also has the facility for you to ask for your donations to be increased with inflation, if you tick the appropriate box. You will always be notified well in advance of any changes to your Direct Debit.
The full value of all regular gifts, along with tax recovered will be forwarded to St Nicholas' Church monthly.
If you prefer to give by cash or cheque, please ask for a set of envelopes to help you make your gift weekly. If you are a taxpayer using this method, please consider using Gift Aid.
Give as you shop
Yes, you can! We are registered with Easyfundraising, which means a small % of your spend online can go to St Nick's at no extra cost to yourself. This has raised £371 for St Nick's so far.
Simply register with Easyfundraising and click through their website when logged in. You can install a reminder in your web browser that will automatically alert you to the possibility of making a donation. A selection of participating retailers is shown below.
One-off Gifts
Credit or Debit card
You can now give at church with a contactless card payment. Simply enter the amount you wish to give, tap the card reader. This will be available in church whenever it is open.
You can make a single gift online, using a credit or debit card through the Parish Giving Scheme by clicking here. You can indicate whether you wish to Gift Aid your donation on the page. A small commission is charged on single gifts to cover the cost of administration.
Other ways of giving
Please note that the PGS Gift Aid form only covers donations made through that system. To cover other direct gifts, you need to complete a St Nicholas' Gift Aid form, which you can download here.
Direct from your Bank Account
You can make one-off gifts by direct transfer. Contact the Church Office for the church bank account details.
You can give by cheque, payable to: PCC St Nicholas
and either bring it to church or post it to:
The Parish Administrator, St Nicholas' Parish Office, 148 Holmechurch Lane, Beverley HU17 0PY
If you have cash in envelopes, please don't leave them at the above address or at the parish centre. Please bring them to a church service. Cash gifts can be given under Gift Aid, using the yellow envelopes in church.